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Piano lessons to meet your needs, since 2009

Laura: Piano Teacher in Annex, M5R, Toronto

Laura: Piano Teacher in Annex, M5R, Toronto

Our piano teacher's location in Annex offers piano lessons on a Kurzweil PC3X pro-level digital piano, in one of our piano teachers' home teaching studios.

Our piano teacher Laura, in Annex, offers classical and pop/rock piano lessons for ages 4 and above, from beginner to intermediate. This piano teacher has Bachelor of Communications degree with a Music Minor, is a certified teacher with special education training, and has a wealth of experience both teaching and performing on piano. Laura has been teaching piano lessons since 2002. As a certified instrumental music teacher, she has taught music to children from kindergarten to 6th grade. Laura has been teaching group and private lessons for nearly 20 years to both children and adults. She has also ran choirs and bands. In addition to teaching, she also composes music, some of which has been featured in films. Laura is particularly gifted at breaking down information to meet each student's individual needs and finding the right method for each person to learn and enjoy.

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Enoma: Piano Teacher in M3J, Toronto

Enoma: Piano Teacher in M3J, Toronto

Luis: Piano Teacher in Cabbagetown, M5A, Toronto

Luis: Piano Teacher in Cabbagetown, M5A, Toronto