By Piano Teachers Connect

Piano lessons to meet your needs, since 2009

Why Teach Piano Lessons With Us?

Why Teach Piano Lessons With Us?

Our jobs for piano teachers in Toronto offer a flexible and independent working environment

Piano teacher jobs in Toronto with fair pay rates

  • We have researched the rates that other similar piano schools in Toronto offer to their teachers, and it makes us sad to see how low the pay for teaching piano lessons is in many cases. It is our goal to raise the bar, and pay our piano teachers a fair and decent rate, based on market averages.

  • Travelling to students’ homes in Toronto is an option for our teachers. For teachers who decide to travel, we leave it up to our piano teachers to decide how far to extend their travel radius, to make sure that the piano lessons will still be worth their time based on the travel time involved.

Tell us your availability and create your own piano teaching job hours

  • As part of our application process for our piano teacher jobs in Toronto we’ll ask you what days and time ranges you would like keep open as options for new incoming piano students.

  • You can update your availability with us at any time, so there is no commitment to stick with the availability you provide in the beginning.

  • All new students are booked in on a case-by-case basis, so as your piano teaching job progresses you will have the opportunity to accept or reject any new student offers as they are offered to you.

Have control over your piano teaching job location

  • When completing our job application form, tell us whether you would like to teach from your Toronto-based home/studio only, from your students’ homes only in the Toronto/GTA, or from either location.

  • When teaching at students’ homes, you will always have the chance to check the location and travel distance before accepting a new student.

  • Some of our teachers in Toronto offer lessons at other studio locations, such as a university practise room or another piano room they have access to. We’ll work with you, and accept your choice of teaching location, provided it meets our standards as an acceptable teaching space.

  • If circumstances change, you can let us know and we’ll update your lesson location details in our system. We’re flexible, and our jobs for piano teachers in Toronto are designed to adapt to these changes.

Our Toronto piano teacher jobs are protected from last-minute cancellations

  • Our lesson policies balance flexibility for our students with respect for our piano teachers’ time. We’ll make sure you are paid in full for last-minute cancellations.

  • For lessons cancelled with more than 24 hours’ notice, you will be obligated to make up the missed lesson time, however you may arrange the make-up in a way that’s convenient for you, be it by rescheduling to a different time in the same week or adding time onto one or more future lessons.

  • Our lesson policies and billing system are laid out in a way that encourages our students to keep a weekly schedule. The odd time a student may abuse the system and cancel or reschedule piano lessons frequently. Our piano teaching jobs in Toronto give you the control to say “enough is enough” - let us know when frequent cancellations become a problem and we can speak to the student or discontinue their lessons if necessary to make room for another student who may be more consistent.

There's a Place for You on Our Team

There's a Place for You on Our Team

Piano Teacher Recruitment Process: What to Expect

Piano Teacher Recruitment Process: What to Expect